Monday, September 28, 2009

Alasan No. 832 dari 1001 Alasan

THE DATE has yet to be set, still. Now we all have to wait until his parents came back after performing Haj. Call me selfish, but don't people usually want to clear all unfinished business before the leave for the sacred pilgrimage?

Our original "surprise wedding" plan failed last year when his mom threw a fit and sent us on a guilt trip. The second date agreed by both sides (excluding his silent parents) went by and killed by .... his parents' silence. And now, we were told to wait again until after their Haj.

We have been advised against marrying without parents' blessings. But nobody can advise us on the next course of action when blessing is not forthcoming and being unreasonably witheld.

I wonder what's the next 'excuse'. Sigh.

I feel like giving up. I'm full of frustration. Maybe we were not meant to be. Full stop.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Garmin Forerunner 50

For the first time since the last of the gruelling efforts (yes, I'm exaggerating) made in the past month, I have finally managed to get my Garmin Training Centre up and running. Yay! The useful program allows me to track and record the progress of my fitness training. Not that I'm becoming a hardcore fitness buff, but there's a growing realization in me that knowing your physical strength, abilities and limits is the key to a well-balanced lifestyle.

My Forerunner 50 comes with the sports monitoring watch, USB ANT stick, heart rate monitor and a foot pod. Initially, I was very, VERY concerned about how I am going to make full use of this seemingly high tech toys. I kept postponing on reading the manual and pairing up the devices (a synchronization process) and just stick to wearing the lightweight, cool-looking watch everyday just to please Mr. B. Haha! It was actually a present from him, in an effort to stimulate my waning interest in sweating it out at the gym. I would be carrying the set to the gym every single time; not knowing how to use it properly.

Every time I tried to use it- imagine walking the treadmill with one arm held up to toggle and test the functions and another flipping through the manual helplessly- it just doesn't function well. Last week when I confessed to Mr. B that I can't set it up (the ego has landed!), he went through the setting up again with me every step of the way. That's when he figured out that the heart rate monitor and foot pod batteries were probably out.

I hate it when he's right.

So he changed the batteries and walla! everything worked out fine. So today, I recorded my training and flaunted my braggadocio rights to my trainer and gym pals. At home, I just have to plug in the USB ANT stick into my laptop and the program instantly started a wireless upload from my watch. The data and graphs were so detailed to the point that makes me feel like I'm carrying out a health diagnosis on myself.

I'll continue charting my progress, and I hope soon I'll be able to figure out what all these data actually translates to. If you wanna know more about this cool device, check it out here.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Dude, Where's My Car?!!

The delivery on my new ride is postponed again to the next day - for the third time! The first time, they had to postpone it because they did not manage to register on the previous day due to some internal reasons. The second time, the reason was because apparently, they need me to ink the HP loan agreement before they could release the car to me. This I personally went to the bank to do it yesterday. I was assured then that today, the car will be registered in the morning and should be delivered to me in the afternoon. I was pretty happy because today is 09.09.09 - an easy date for me to remember my car's ermm...'birthday'. Hahaha!!! But today, the salesman told me that they can't register my car this morning because their 'runner' had accidentally brought my registration receipt to Terengganu (!!) when he left to register another car.

When the salesman told me all these absurd results of incompetence, he was indeed apologetic. I remembered taking 3 deep breaths and as I cooled down, I resigned to the fact that this is a test for my kesabaran dlm bulan puasa ni. So in the spirit of this forgiving month, I let him off the hook without any verbal assault (pat,pat on my back), but not before he promise me that the car will be ready by tomorrow or otherwise - he'll have to tint the car with shatterproof Lumar for free. I.DON'T.CARE.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Alhamdulillah for the rezeki in this blessed month!

During buka puasa yesterday, my brother Erman said he has an announcement to make. I went, "Announcement apa? Emmir nak kawin??" to which my family laughed heartily, including Emmir himself (as if he understood!). Emmir is my 1 yr 4 mths-old nephew. Apparently, Emmir is going to be a big brother. My SIL Nyna is expecting. Alhamdulillah! Thank you God for this most precious gift!