Monday, September 07, 2009

Alhamdulillah for the rezeki in this blessed month!

During buka puasa yesterday, my brother Erman said he has an announcement to make. I went, "Announcement apa? Emmir nak kawin??" to which my family laughed heartily, including Emmir himself (as if he understood!). Emmir is my 1 yr 4 mths-old nephew. Apparently, Emmir is going to be a big brother. My SIL Nyna is expecting. Alhamdulillah! Thank you God for this most precious gift!


My Cupcakes by Anor (Kuching Sarawak) said...

alhamdulillah! do hope our little Emir will become a big bro too... pray hard ene =)

Awesome Blossome said...

My prayers go out to you my dear friend! Insya Allah.