THE DATE has yet to be set, still. Now we all have to wait until his parents came back after performing Haj. Call me selfish, but don't people usually want to clear all unfinished business before the leave for the sacred pilgrimage?
Our original "surprise wedding" plan failed last year when his mom threw a fit and sent us on a guilt trip. The second date agreed by both sides (excluding his silent parents) went by and killed by .... his parents' silence. And now, we were told to wait again until after their Haj.
We have been advised against marrying without parents' blessings. But nobody can advise us on the next course of action when blessing is not forthcoming and being unreasonably witheld.
I wonder what's the next 'excuse'. Sigh.
I feel like giving up. I'm full of frustration. Maybe we were not meant to be. Full stop.
Continuation for
11 years ago
InsyaAllah Ene.
Keep the faith. Congrats!
I guess it has to be you before me :D
Tks Azwad. Well, I do believe there is no rank or order when it comes to this. Kita hanya mampu merancang... (sentimental lah pulak...)
Tak tahulah nak sokong atau tidak because gradually Kak Lin rasa it is becoming a "penganiayaan" to you. Ini tidak adil!!
I feel the same way Kak Lin, but I just don't know what to do. But ultimatum has already been given. We'll wait and see....
i pray that things will go your way ene... im just a confirmation away... insya allah, He has his own plans and time for everything...
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