- Shed the last 8kg which seemed to have found its final resting place on 'specific' areas;
- Actually love what I am doing professionally;
- Start saving for retirement;
- Rarely skip the gym (and swapping it with the karaoke hub conveniently located next door. Remember PNYR#1);
- Never to use my bursting vocabulary of profanities again whenever stuck in horrendous traffic jams, especially when trying to carry out PNYR #2;
- Never to buy another gadget just because it comes in a stylish glossy white finish which I can't take my eyes off from (Must always remind self of PNYR#3. Never to justify such desire with "but I need it for my PNYR#2");
- Drink less 'teh ais'. Detrimental to teeth (and waistline. Embed PNYR#1 in memory. Wait, what was PNYR#1 again???);
- Watch less Spongebob except on Sunday mornings when TV3 is not doing reruns (note: carried forward from last year's PNYR);
- Read intelligent stuff more often and not because it's the only thing you can find on the toilet rack while doing you-know-what ( but how can I get enough time and energy if my life will be mainly focused on PNYR #1 to #8, and oh yeah, the you-know-what too??!);
- Get married (note: also carried forward from last year's PNYR. Well, these ARE Pointless.New.Year.Resolutions anyway. So, unaccomplished past PNYRs are allowed to be carried forward).
I hope you all have better luck with your PNYRs this year!
haha....funny ah u ni....leh berkenalan tak?
I actually laughed out loud at PNYR #2.
Thanks guys. Have a wonderful new year ahead. For a start, my car broke down this morning... kwang,kwang,kwang....
I sooo do not agree with PNYR# 8..SPONGEBOB RAWKS!..hahah love, love, loveeee your posts babes!:)
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