Location: Beauty supplies shop, Sg Wang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang, KL.
Auntie: Yes, can I 'hepchu' (help you)?
Me: Yeah. Auntie, I want to try out a new shampoo. Can you recommend a good one for me?
Auntie: (after analyzing my dry hair) Sure! Why don't you try this one? This one 'vely''(very) good one. It's imported from Amelika (America). Very guuuuud (good) for dry and damaged hair..
Me: But Auntie...
Auntie: Please aa...you can call me Glace (while handing out her business card. It actually reads 'Grace')
Me: Okay Glace, I mean ...Grace. But Grace, my hair is not damaged. It's only dry.
Grace who was formerly known as 'Auntie': Haiyaahhh...see, dry meaning its damaged 'lah'. Actually aa, I see your skin also needs help. See, got 'black, black' (I think she was referring to my spots). Sayang (dear), you know, You must take care of your skin (as if!). I have this cream, vely (very) good for your 'black, black'.
Me: But Grace, I am looking for shampoo, not face cream!
Grace: You want shampoo you take this one 'lah' (shoving 4 bottles of hair care stuff into my arms). but this face cream you have to try also. I see you wear a lot of 'pancake' (?!). Haiyah,..don't wear pancake, it 'bites'(she gets scarier now) into your skin, making it dry.
Me: 'Pancake'? You mean compact powder?
Grace: Yes 'lah', the powder like the cake that one (excuse her *Manglish).
Me: Don't want 'lah'. No thanks. I like my 'pancake' better. I'll just take these stuff (a.k.a. the shampoo, etc. Those stuff later set me back RM250!)
Moral of the story: Never lose control eventhough people say you look like you put 'pancake' (of all things!) onto your face. Your patience maybe your saving Grace. You are as beautiful as you think you are.
*Manglish = 'Malaysian English'.
Continuation for anor-mycupcakes.blogspot.com
11 years ago
ahaks ahaks... funny....another term...suckerrrr. ;)
Since when girls put pancake on their faces? :)
Come on, even I have been calling it compact.
Exactly.... but love the shampoo she recommended me though. :-)
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