Without realizing it, 11 months(!) have actually passed by since we made that solemn promise to each other. Soon it'll be 1 year, and then 2 , and 3 ...and, and....whoaa... wait a minute. This is too fast. So what have we realized in these past 11 months? ....
1- Mr. B is still not an early riser. There are those tense mornings when I need to rush, grrrr...
2- I can't cook even if my life depends on it. (But I'm trying!)
3- Laundry must be done weekly. Otherwise, .... you'll never be able to catch up without sacrificing one whole weekend washing, folding and ironing. But then there's always the cleaners, if you are not too particular.
4- Groceries are too expensive if you wanna cook for two person. Honestly, eating out is more cost-effective. Dining at your mom's is even better. But must not be done too frequently, or they will begin to start expecting you every night and the cycle of "what time are you coming home tonight?" will also begin.
5- We must allocate at least 1 free weeknight just to chill and catch up on things about each other. For us, it's Wednesdays since we are big fans of Showdown 2011. :)
6- Weekends must be planned ahead in order not to break any plans or promises. Schedules may clash, so keep each other updated of your plans. Laundry must always be marked on your weekend calendar though.
7- Housecleaning is a joint-venture. If he doesn't do it, neither will I.
8- Without WiFi at home, the Broadband is a shared luxury. As long as I get to conquer it during weekends, I'm happy.
9- We love visitors, especially who came by after giving us ample notice (read #7).
10- Shopping is our favourite pasttime - I shop, he surfs the Net at Starbucks. :)
I'm sure this list will grow longer as our sense of realization grows stronger. We are still in the honeymoon year, and pray God it will always be sweet and grows better with age.
Continuation for anor-mycupcakes.blogspot.com
11 years ago
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