"Sweep Malaysia"?
"Ganyang Malaysia"?
Cerita the so-called 'relawan' Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat and their 'buluh runcing' plot can surely qualify as one of their sinetron episodes shown on Astro.
They should channel all these excessive energy and resources to help their brothers in Padang instead of 'penetrating Malaysia by land, sea and air'. Especially your medical team, whom I can't find any reason as to why they want to come to Malaysia instead of the disaster-stricken West Sumatran region. Inikah arti pengorbanan buat kamu?
Perhaps only a handful are infected if not born with this xenophobic stupidity. But due to our our close physical and cultural proximity, this underlying tension has already generated a seismic emotional reaction.
We didn't steal Sipadan. It was decided at ICJ. Go and Ganyang ICJ if you dare.
Neither did we direct the pendet dance for the Discovery Channel. Go and 'sweep' the channel if you are so desperate.
The list can go on and on...
Be well-read, be logical, be aware of ramifications, do not believe hearsays, and do not let emotions rule.
I still love my Indonesian friends, though. Their natural intelligence will outclass this articial stupidity.
Continuation for anor-mycupcakes.blogspot.com
11 years ago
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