Today our Group Managing Director called me up to his office. As it was my first time setting foot in his plush office, naturally, quesiness sets in.
It turns out he actually wants to hear firsthand on why I am leaving the company. So there I was, considering whether I should be flattered that he showed his concern or annoyed as he is aware that his new policies were actually driving good people away.
I tendered my resignation on 7 August 2009 after being with the company for almost 7 years. Some say it's the 7-year itch. Whatever. But I don't know what is it about resignation that makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe because it feels like you're 'dumping' someone. Of course in this case, it's the company, a non-persona, but still the thought of leaving my wonderful friends and colleagues of 7 years stirred my emotion.
With the GMD, we went through the whole why-are-you-leaving, the-company-has-a-lot-of-prospective-careers-for-people-who-are-dead-bored-of-their-jobs, we-are-in-a-good-shape-despite-the-economic-slowdown, yadayadayada. And then when the so-thought 'right' moment came, the line "the pay the company offered me is not competitive" got stuck in my throat.
Yup, I, the notorious motormouth, chickened out.
2 hours later, sitting back behind my desk, my mind played reruns of my discussions with him. I was somewhat relieved that I didn't raise the issue about the pay. Somehow, it looks very petty now and in retrospec, it seemed like a more mature thing to do by giving him the insights on my future plans. Even then, I tiptoed with my words around him. I wouldn't wan't to ruffle the feathers of a very influential guy who might be offering me a job in the future now would I?
The truth is, I'm leaving because I need to put myself back into the market to catch up on my 'market value'. I know some companies gave substantial and impressive adjustments to their key personnel to keep them interested, but sadly that doesn't happen in my current company. In order to preserve the good rapport I had with my boss the CEO and my ultimate boss the GMD, I also told them that since I'm not leaving with a bitter taste in my mouth, I am not denying any future possibilities of re-joining the Group. But at that time, it will totally be on my terms. Insya Allah.
Continuation for
11 years ago
I wonder if GMD has "accidentally" read this blog... or should I say, if someone sent him this link.. wonder if it will have any effect on his perception of happenings in the office..
Honestly, I would never know. But if somebody's gonna benefit out of it, I don't mind being the sacrificial lamb. :-)
Don't worry... your secrets' safe with us...
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