About 3 weeks ago, I was finally in the mood to have at look at my Manado trip photos. All 1700+ of them. Folders after folders, I came to the last 500 odd photos. By then, as you can guess, my eyes were tired, my focus and determination were waning. Decided to take a break, I took a nap.
Half-and-hour later (rasanyalah..hehehe), I woke up, packed my stuff and shifted from the living room to my bedroom. Back then, I remember clutching my 16Gb memory cards with my right hand, together with my laptop. And that was the last thing I could remember about the memory cards.
I didn't realize I've misplaced it until I was prepping up for my nephew's birthday party that weekend. Panic mode on, penatlah I punggah everything out from my shelves, under my bed and emptied out my drawers and handbagsssSSssss (babe, takyah roll your eyes...), tapi tak jumpa2. So, not knowing whether I should rush out and buy another card or just stay around and be a party pooper, sweetie pie offered to lend me his 2Gb card (2Gb je?! hehehe... but beggars can't be choosers).
Fast-forward to this morning, my mom greeted me with a smile at the breakfast table.
Mama : Haritu kata kad kamera hilang dah jumpa?
Me : (sulking) Belooom. Dah puas carik...
Mama: Smlm mama basuh baju Ajiq, pastu bila mama keluarkan nak sidai, ada 2 kad dlm casing terjatuh keluar.
Me: (excited) Hah?!! Ye ke?!!!! Mana Mama letak kad tu?
Mama: Ada kat atas, depan komputer Papa.
Me: Mintak2 boleh lah pakai lagi. So it means mama dah terbasuh memory card tu sekali lah ye?
Mama: Ha'ah... Tapi takpe, insya Allah boleh pakai. Mama basuh delicate cycle je, bukan heavy duty.
Mama,mama... even though you missed the point in this issue, you dispersed my horror by being so cute. True enough, the card is still OK. Thanks Ma, I love you! Mwahhh!!
Continuation for anor-mycupcakes.blogspot.com
11 years ago
Huarghhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa......carik dengan lubang idung memang la tak jumpa. ;)
Misteri stokin ajaib :P
Yea betul..ni sequel to misteri stokin ajaib.
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