Duhh Moment #1
Few nights ago, our gang was having our usual dinner/supper at the usual mamak. Nothing unusual. Then, amidst the noise of people talking (some were as loud as election campaigners on halers), girlish screams came from the direction of a 'nasi lemak' booth next to the us. Immediately after, all the Indon girls manning the booth lurched out, shrieking outloud, and hurling away their spatulas (Spongebob would not have approved of this), showing panic faces (the girls, not the spatulas). Then we saw the unusual.
Fire has spread high up to the booth's ceiling, cathing on the easily burned 'nasi lemak' paraphernelias- plastic fork and spoon, paper wraps, banana leave wrappers, plastic bags. Right before it reaches the pot containing fried anchovies, the wind blew the fire to another direction. And all this happened in less than 10 seconds. Then only we realized the danger of sitting so close to the fire. From where I was seated, I can't see where the fire started from, but a few little blow-ups later coupled with the emanating intoxicating odour; the reality hit us- there's a gas leak!
Bart quickly grabbed my hand, and we started running away from the scene. The other mamak-goers also started to pick-up their bags and ran into random directions. In that moment of chaos, I remember seeing some idiots who actually went closer to the blazing fire while ignorantly lighting up their cigarettes. Talk about some people's deathwish.
Among the three of us, Tapir was the first to reach the car. Then, with our heart beating like how it does after 45minutes of RPM class, we stood from afar, watching and waiting expectedly for an explosion,...well, honestly, what we really wanted to see then was which one of those smoking idiots will catch on the fire first.
And then we sort of realized.."Hey, doesn't the valves on cooking gas cylinders allow for a one-way flow only?" So high unlikely that when it leaks, the whole thing will blow up like what you see in the movies.
Duhh,..no explosion ala Hollywood tonite. And since the mamaks managed to put out the fire and the odour has since dissipated, there won't be few less idiots in this world either. Major letdown. But thank God the anchovies were safe.
Duhh moment #2
How many lawyers does it take to figure out which one is Hall 2 at GSC?
Obviously, from our experience last weekend - it takes more than 3. Hahahaha!!!
Yup, the three of us decided that we should dump our brain for one day and watch a feel good chick flick that doesn't require us to think one bit. Little did we know that we actually left our brains at home earlier on.
The sign outside the cinema hall states:-
[ Hall 1]
[<---Seat 1-9 Seat 10-18---->] .... Or sumthing like that.
We were allocated with seats 13, 14 & 15 in Hall 1. I swear to God there was no Hall 2 sign on the right door that we went into (or are we suffering from acute myopia of some sort?). And I am thankful to God that all of us had enough common sense to check our movie tickets again at the back of the hall after seeing that our seat was occupied by a couple of burly guys. I am even more glad that we sought the assistance of the staff to chase those burly guys out of our seat, or otherwise we wouldn've have known that we were supposed to go through the LEFT DOOR that says "seat 1-9" as, despite the obvious mathematical incongruence, WALLA!- it will and it does lead us to our seats 13, 14 & 15.
Well, duhhh babes!!! Some things in life will remain a mystery. No wonder when we went into the wrong hall, a full blown gun-shooting showdown was showing on-screen. Duhhhh!!
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