Friday, October 17, 2008

Which lane are you on?

One day, like every other day when driving to work, the jam was stressing me out of my wits. Luckily I had the new camera on me..and I started snapping away. Oh, how I wish I was driving on the opposite direction!
To all you lucky folks out there who doesn't have to go through this 5 days a week, I ENVY YOU!


Anonymous said...

Tu lah...kecik2 taknak blajar naik moto....tak tensen kena trefik jem.

Anonymous said...

Tu lah...kecik2 taknak blajar naik motoseqal....tak tensen kena trefik jem.

Anonymous said...

Tu lah...kecik2 taknak blajar naik motoseqal....tak tensen kena trefik jem.

Awesome Blossome said...

Okay,okay...I get the point.

AB - Nak carik motorsikal pakai ekzos buluh.